Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Task 1: Ecological FootPrint

After seeing the results of the ecological footprint quiz i was quite shocked to find that to support my way of life i would need the equivelant of 5 Earths. I do not feel that I am exceeding my means anymore than the average person, and if these results are as profound for the majority of people then it is quite easy to see that we need to change the way in which we are impacting our world. As seen in the graph most of my varying footprints are on average with the rest of the population. This would imply that the footprint humans are infact leaving on the Earth is far exceeding what the Earth can handle.
To reduce this impact I could work on changing certain aspects of my life that are very simple. Things such as driving I can't really reduce seeing as public transport is far to inconvinient for the distance I need to travel to either work or univerisity. Things such as eating organic foods, reducing the amount of electricity used (whether is be not using the air conditioner or changing lightbulbs), choosing green electricity, or having shorter showers, are all very simple ways of reducing my footprint on the Earth and do not cause me any hassle or inconvenience and in some ways such as eating organic foods may be beneficial to my health.
More people should pehaps become more aware of the impact they are having on the Earth as individuals because for any difference to be made the world as a whole will have to particiapte.

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